Fox News Channel airs graphic reading “Obama Baby Mama…” wow.

The following is an article found today on AFP:

“Fox News calls ‘Obama Baby Mama’ graphic poor judgment

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US cable network Fox News found itself in hot water this week after referring to Barack Obama’s wife as “Obama’s Baby Mama” and asking if a gesture the Obamas exchanged was a “terrorist fist jab.”

A graphic with the words “Outraged Liberals: Stop Picking on Obama’s Baby Mama!” displayed Wednesday during a Fox interview about whether Michelle Obama has been unfairly targeted by critics sparked outrage from political commentators and set the blogosphere humming.

“Where do you even start when criticizing Fox’s slur? Do you try to explain that ‘baby mama’ is slang for the unmarried mother of a man’s child, and not his wife, or even a girlfriend?” Joan Walsh wrote on, which spotted the graphic.

A top Fox official said use of the graphic showed poor judgment.

“A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using this chyron during the segment,” Fox’s Senior Vice President of Programming Bill Shine told

Fox, which Democrats accuse of displaying a right-wing bias in its coverage, earlier this week came under criticism for comments from one of its anchors.

ED Hill lost her show after asking on air if a gesture between Barack and Michelle Obama on the night he claimed the Democratic nomination was a “terrorist fist jab.”

“A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently,” Hill said ahead of a segment on body language on the June 6 edition of her afternoon news show “America’s Pulse.”

The knuckle tap exchanged by the Obamas just before she exited the platform where he was to claim the nomination at a packed arena in Minnesota on June 3 generated a flood of ink and air in the US media.

Commentators analyzed the second-long gesture, suggesting it was intimate, hip, African-American, never-before-seen among political power couples, or just plain lacking in decorum.

The Washington Post called it “the fist bump heard ’round the world.”

The Boston Globe wrote: “The Obamas are proposing that the fist bump … is the public-display-of-affection of change, the pucker-up of the future. And this, as much as anything Obama has espoused, is something of a mini-revolution.”

Hill appears to be the only one knocked over by the fist bump.

Her show was dropped from Fox’s afternoon lineup on June 10, but she was to remain at the network, where she is a ten-year veteran, in an as-yet unspecified capacity, US media said.”